ontario county youth court
become a changemaker in your community

Come together with young activists and change-makers in your community at Ontario County Youth Court (OCYC)! This peer-based program is an opportunity to gain a better understanding of our country’s court system while ensuring fellow youth in Ontario County get the help they need to avoid further involvement in the justice system.
become a member
Students in grades 8-12 are eligible for volunteer membership. They’ll learn about the legal system and acquire leadership skills as they hold roles like judge, jury, prosecution, and defense in real, non-violent cases for their peers.
Before trying real cases, members will need to complete a 20 hour training, held over the course of 8-10 weeks.
For more information, see the application below or contact us.
make a referral
To refer a non-violent youthful offender to Ontario County Youth Court, please use the form below.
For more information, please contact us.

court is in session
Some of our court locations have begun to open back up for in-person court! Sign up for the 2021 Fall Training Session now.
Juveniles Understanding Safe Traffic
A Program of Ontario County Youth Court
This program provides safe driving training for youth ages 16-21 that have a traffic infraction pending in court. The safe driving course is completely free of charge, and will result in a reduction in the traffic ticket.
The program also provides an Alive at 25 training, including guest speakers and panels on the subject of distracted driving.